Berry Town Crier Community Newspaper
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Editor’s note
Hello All,
My name is Nancy Davies and I have the privilege of being the Editor of our popular and thriving community newspaper. An active community such as Berry always has lots to write about and we encourage our readership to be involved in making this community sustainable, supportive of local businesses and informed and engaged in local issues.
The Town Crier is a community newspaper produced monthly by the Berry Alliance. Our publication is delivered to Berry and surrounding areas free of charge.
Our community newspaper is growing from strength to strength; over the last 12 months advertising revenue has increased as has our circulation with 2400 copies printed each month.
Our mantra has always been ‘An informed community makes better decisions’. In making this community informed, engaged in local issues, supportive of local businesses and sustainable, the Crier makes this happen.
Nancy Davies
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Past issues
Advertising information
The Town Crier is a community newspaper produced monthly by the Berry Alliance. Our current circulation is 2400 copies. The Town Crier is distributed around Berry and its outer lying areas. Additional copies are given to shops, cafes, hairdressing salons, doctors and restaurants within the township to alert tourists as to what’s happening in Berry.
The Berry Alliance would like to thank advertisers for their support. It is only through advertising fees, subscriptions and sponsorships that our community paper can continue to provide such communication.
The Town Crier is not funded from any other source. We receive no grants or public funding.