Community Groups Berry
Becoming a registered Berry Community Group
One of our primary roles is to support Berry Community Groups.
We do this by offering monthly articles in the Town Crier. Community groups can use this to:
- Promote membership
- Rally support from the Berry community for their fundraising endeavours
- Simply to let the community know what they are up to.
Articles are not meant to replace in-house newsletters and the Editor has the right to reduce content if it does not fit into the criteria.
Contact details of Registered Berry Community Groups appear in every issue of the Town Crier – towards the middle of the paper. Please refer to the current issue on our Home page for the most updated details.
To become registered with the Berry Alliance community groups must have open membership, hold meetings in Berry and run as not for profit (e.g. no member to derive an income from the group).
If your community group meets this criterion please contact the Editor or Secretary of the Berry Alliance to confirm eligibility and complete the attached Community Group registration form. Registration is subject to approval by the Berry Alliance Executive prior to the Editor accepting any advertising requests.
Requirements for community group articles submission
- Submissions must be of interest to the broader Berry community. The Editor or Board do not censor submitted articles, but we ask that contributions are sourced from within the Berry community, and provide balanced and relevant information. Neither do the Board or Editor proof read submitted articles to correct grammar or spelling as this may change the meaning intended by the author and cause offense.
- Submissions in the Town Crier should not replace a community groups newsletters, in other words, this should not be seen as a way of informing members about ‘in house’ activities.
- Submissions can include articles about: fundraising activities, calls for assistance, events and activities that invite and involve the wider Berry community.
- Maximum word count is 350 words (plus logo)
- If a photo is included word count must be reduced to no more than 300 words.
- All photos should be saved as a jpg file
- At times the editor may need to reduce content due to space requirements.
- Priority will be given to submissions that advertise current events and/or submissions received prior to advertising deadline.
- When community groups require more space one option is to pay for advertising, they will receive a discount off our advertising rates to meet production costs.
How else can we help your group?
We support community groups with extra publicity and where possible, front page coverage of your event. If you would like to discuss your event, please contact the editor.
Alternatively if a registered community group does not hold a ‘major event’ perhaps we can help in other ways such as doing a profile of your Community Group as a way of recruiting new members. We are open to suggestions so please contact the editor if there is some other way you think the we can support your group.
The Berry Alliance also gives some donations to support the community.