Town Crier Berry policy

The Berry Alliance owns and operates the Town Crier

The Town Crier is our principle communication tool for the Berry community. The Berry Alliance communicates as much information as possible from any level of Government and other sources that we deem to be of interest to the Berry community. The Town Crier fulfils the Berry Alliance’s commitment to excellent communication and augments or replaces all those other options such as letterbox drops and use of notice boards etc. Each edition of the Town Crier is also uploaded to this website and an electronic copy (in colour) is emailed to registered “Friends of the Berry Town Crier” who can also receive Newsletter Updates by email.

The Berry Alliance Committee elects an Editorial Board for the overall management of the Town Crier. The board oversees the paper and determines Town Crier policy.

The Editor(s) is employed to follow these policies and management guidelines. The paper relies solely on advertisers to cover the approximate $6,000 per month cost of production. The paper is distributed free of charge to over 2600 Berry addresses. Costs associated with production vary according to the size of the paper each month.

The Town Crier does not receive any funding; relying solely on advertising revenue to cover costs. Therefore, adherence to policy is important to maintain consistency and proper financial management to ensure the paper’s survival.

The Town Crier prints articles and items of interest and information to the community from many Berry community groups. Community groups must fulfil set criteria to be granted registration by the Berry Alliance executive. Submissions from registered community groups are capped at 450 words (less with photo) and must be received by the editor by deadline. Monthly deadlines are publicised in each edition. Where a community group can obtain sponsorship then the articles can have more space.

Community group articles are not intended to be used as an alternative for a newsletter to its members. Submissions must be of substantial interest to members of the community, they do not replace member newsletters. Submissions can be used to encourage people to join the group or club and/or to promote a fundraising event etc.

Letters to the Editor are a feature of some newspapers. Town Crier policy is that letters to the editor are not printed. This is for various reasons including the possibility of legal action against the paper itself for incorrect, inaccurate, vexatious or libellous articles or sentences. It is not a matter that we are able to take the risk on. Any possible benefits are far outweighed by the dangers associated.

Any community group submitting an article to the Town Crier disparaging or attacking any other community group, committee or person will have that entire article rejected and not included in the Town Crier and future submissions will be reviewed by the Editorial Board and the Berry Alliance Management Committee before acceptance for publication.  

Advertisers are encouraged to support our community paper with rates appearing regularly in the Town Crier and on this web site. Repeat advertisements attract a discounted rate. The paper is a “Berry-centric” paper and the Board make no apology for this.

Berry community groups and clubs have priority for space but the paper will, where space is available, print items from community groups not based in Berry. The paper also promotes functions and gatherings that are genuinely raising funds for Berry community groups and as a lower priority, other charitable causes.  We do need to have this substantiated from time to time. When a group wishes to place an article in the Town Crier they are requested to assist by following these guidelines.

The community groups looking to have an article or notice included need to be registered with the Berry Alliance and must be a legitimate Berry community / not for profit group.

Articles to be emailed to [email protected] and should be included in the body of the Email not sent as an attachment (Virus risks etc.).

Handwritten submissions cannot be accepted.

Full contact details of the person submitting the article (including telephone number) are a requirement before publication and will be included in the paper. If this is not provided the article will not be printed.

All advertisements should also follow these same guidelines. Articles and advertisements need to be in on time. The cut off time and date is clear and not able to be extended.

Our payment method is via direct deposit (electronic funds transfer) only. New advertisers must pay their invoice prior to advertising being printed. Regular advertisers invoices are payable in 7 days. Advertisers are requested to assist by paying promptly and are advised that further advertisements will not be printed if there is an outstanding payment due.

For further advertising enquiries, please contact the Editor on 0448 037 572 or email [email protected]